Contact The Time Professionals
(OR redeem a gift certificate!)

NOTE: I will be out of town and off-grid February 1 – 23 2025. Thank you for taking the time to connect and I look forward to talking with you when I return.
If you wish to redeem a gift certificate, please fill out the form and let me know which class you’d like to attend.
~ Mary Ellen
Phone: 503-380-8031

I’m 64 years old and wish I had gone to Mary Ellen”s time management class when I was an adolescent. Now I have tools and the skills to easily plan my days, months & a year all in one place. I am now much more realistic about how much I can accomplish in a given period of time. In our fast paced society, I’m out of the rat race, and yet more productive.
Mary Hill, Retired pharmacist
Mary Ellen Baker is not a doctor of academia or medicine and none of the information on this Time Professionals website or in the Time Professionals E-learning videos are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, learning difference, brain injury, cognitive deficits or post-traumatic stress. All the information provided is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the advice of a doctor or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating any medical condition. Your use of any information on The Time Professionals website or E-learning videos is at your sole risk. The Time Professionals do not represent or warrant that the products, website, services or use of information is free of defects, inaccuracies or errors.