Time Management classes
Training professionals in what the brain needs
to manage time well and have greater control
over the day.
Time management is easy when you know how your brain works.
The Secret of Brain-based Time Management
hint: we make it personalized, engaging, and easy
Neuroscientists tell us we have 10 brain skills that drive how we go through the day. These brain skills impact how we work (such as our ability to focus, filter distractions, plan/prioritize) but also how we interact with people and share our time with family.
Our brain-based Time Management class gives you the secret to excellent time management: Awareness of how your brain works and a roadmap to support each brain skill.
This unique approach will permanently change the way you move through time.

I attended your virtual course yesterday and wanted to tell you what a positive impact it had for me. Today I was just as busy as I have been all week however I felt more organized and less stressed. This time of year is particularly stressful and intense as we wrap up the prior year, prepare annual financial statements, prepare for the annual audit, and still juggle the daily operations. Taking the time for your course was worth every minute, and I am so glad that I am already benefitting from the ideas, tips, and tools presented.
Sherri Young, Senior Financial Analyst – City of Westminster, CO (Jan 2023)
Trusted By
This was such a worthwhile class! I am eager to see the improved outcomes in my home and work life after implementing some of the tools and skills I picked up. I loved how inclusive the course was too– never once did I feel ashamed of my weaker executive functions, and the messaging had a strong theme of acceptance towards our current brains, what they can do, and the unique way mine was designed to work. Thank you !
Attendee, King County, WA (Dec 2022)
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brain-based Time management CLASSES for BUSINESSES
What does the brain need to manage time well, plan effectively, and not get overwhelmed? This class gives your employees the roadmap to successfully navigate through the day, get things done, and increase their job/life satisfaction. Read more…

Take a Class
Brain-based time management for you
We often feel that we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. This hands-on 3 hour class shows you how to support your brain so you can be more efficient with time, more effective in planning, and experience less stress/overwhelm. Imagine finishing your workday with confidence that you remembered and handled everything you needed to! Classes are offered monthly. View schedule…

Join GoBrainGo
Get practical ideas that reduce workday stress & increase life satisfaction
GoBrainGo is my partner website with easy, practical shortcuts to get things done. It’s the fast track to a workday without stress, accomplishing whatever has eluded you and a life experience that is productive, satisfying, and enjoyable: one brain skill at a time. Spend as little as 20 minutes a week and you will begin to see changes in your daily patterns. Find out more…

We are a small municipality with a large work load that leaves us feeling overwhelmed, so it’s important to use our time spent on projects as efficiently as possible. We appreciated Mary’s approach to helping us understand how our brains process time and then giving us the tools to help keep our brains disciplined and focused. Great training!
Shawn Burgé, Assistant Public Works Director, City of Tillamook
Mary Ellen Baker is not a doctor of academia or medicine and none of the information on this Time Professionals website or in the GoBrainGo videos are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, learning difference, brain injury, cognitive deficits or post-traumatic stress. All the information provided is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating any medical condition. Your use of any information on The Time Professionals website or GoBrainGo videos is at your sole risk. The Time Professionals do not represent or warrant that the products, website, services or use of information is free of defects, inaccuracies or errors.